Hypnotherapy Psychologist

by Paul Northcott PhD

Approachable psychotherapy, hypnotherapy & counselling. Understanding, support & expertise to better do & be what you want.

Approachable psychotherapy, hypnotherapy & counselling. Understanding, support & expertise to better do & be what you want.

Alternative therapy
for the
alternative you


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If you want personal change I applaud you for taking this step of researching help. This move alone can be no small thing.

What Hypnotherapy Psychologist is

Hypnotherapy Psychologist is a British psychological service for mental and behavioural health. It provides psychological therapy - psychotherapy - in the forms of hypnotherapy, counselling and complementing psychotherapeutic approaches. It does this online, through video calls.

Open notebook with blank pages, held in hand.  Blurred outdoor background.

The future is unwritten

What Hypnotherapy Psychologist helps with

Matters of personal confidence and self-esteem are common areas that Hypnotherapy Psychologist heps with. These encompasses a wide range of concerns, given the span of what can be related to confidence and self-esteem.

Another realm Hypnotherapy Psychologist loves to help with is the sexual. Specifically, with the psychosexual: the psychological factors bearing on people's sexual lives. Psychological factors play a huge role in sexual functiong. Hence psychosexual therapy ('sex therapy' as more popularly called) can be transformative.

Helping with sadness, depression, and anxiety are further special interests. 'Sadness' is specified because not all people who could be said to be depressed would necessarily be said to have depression; but they may be woefully unhappy and could benefit from help. Anxiety helped with can range from the ever-present 'chronic anxiety' to that connected to specific situations.

Help for people with trauma is also offered by Hypnotherapy Psychologist. The delicate work around helping with the different types of trauma is something that Hypnotherapy Psychologist is personally and professionally well-experienced for.

Looking down railway tracks that disappear in the distance and mist, with points in foreground.

Tracks can be changed

Why these interests/offerings?

One reason is personal. Hypnotherapy Psychologist doesn't do this work as somebody who hasn't suffered from that for which help is now provided for others.

Another reason is the sheer connectedness of these areas. A main problem in one particular area of functioning often co-exists with troubles in one or more other areas.

Most importantly, possible consequences of problems in these areas are many and profound. There's unfulfilment; frustration; self-hate; outward anger; non-participation; isolation; misprioritisation; poor performance (in assorted contexts); bad habits (for distraction, or comfort); stress; worry; effects on people close to you; not 'acting like yourself'; broken or unattained relationships; suicidal thinking...and worse. Sufferers' lives can be wasted. Hypnotherapy Psychologist sincerely wishes to help people avoid or escape from these cracks between the paving of a happy life's walkways, and so to live a life that's as wonderful as possible - as their most wonderful self.

Somebody in darkness whose visible hand rests on an antique parchment map, pointing with a ringed finger to a location on it.

Helping to find the 'you' that you could be

Who Hypnotherapy Psychologist is for

Clients of Hypnotherapy Psychologist are English-speakers and 18+. They can be based in countries other than Britain (though my British-based qualifications may not permit me to practice therapy to people who reside in certain countries).

Hypnotherapy Psychologist is proudly inclusive, and always has been. This very service is an exercise in diversity.

Non-discrimination policy

Article 21 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, concerning non-discrimination, is embraced and expanded upon. Hypnotherapy Psychologist welcomes clients regardless of: sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, sexuality, biological sex (assigned/assumed at birth), race, nationality, national-minority membersip, colour, ethnicity, sub-culture, religion and philosphy, political and other opinion, image, physical characteristics and abilities, social status, social class, generation, education, means of income, place of birth, place of residence, financial position, family composition, family advantage or disadvantage, property, language, offender background, fit or non-fit with societal norms, anything else identified as/with, or other grounds that elsewhere could be bases of discrimination, marginalisation, or inequality.

However fully this list has been composed or is read, you can trust that:

  • Hypnotherapy Psychologist is serious about equality and non-discrimination.
  • Hypnotherapy Psychologist aims for warm and understanding inclusivity. This is so even if errors are ever made with related terminology or understanding.

The service is sex positive. And it strives to be as GSRD (Gender, Sex, Relationship Diversity) / LQBTQI+ affirming as it can. (Humbly accepted is that designation as a GSRD/LQBTQI+ affirming therapist is more of an earned conferment from people of the GSRD/LQBTQI+ communities, than a self-made claim.)

Woman amid darkness holding up an umbrella - that illuminates her from its many tiny lights.

Privately proofed, wherever and whoever one is

Hesistant or nervous over having help?

Hypnotherapy Psychologist also takes pride in being approachable and different.


Especially reached out to and welcomed are potential clients who are reluctant to come forward for help or are nervous about having help. Hypnotherapy Psychologist is brilliant at naturally putting people at ease.


Every consideration is given to this service not being like that of other professional psychological helpers. As such, it could be the very service which - as best as possible - will suit you, given any doubts you have about therapy and therapists and getting help.

If you read on, something of the approachability and difference of Hypnotherapy Psychologist will hopefully be seen.

Feel you can't be helped?

A deeply held philosophy of Hypnotherapy Psychologist is that gains and successes can be had in the face of massive impediments - mental and/or practical. 'Against all odds' is perhaps THE canon of this service. The feeling that you can't be helped is thoroughly understood. In part, because of this very understanding Hypnotherapy Psychologist could be the very helper to help you invalidate it.

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